Using colored paper for printables

Using colored paper for printables

Here’s a quick and clean teaching tip (because fresh photocopies are clean, not dirty)! It will already be familiar to many teachers, but it can’t hurt to share it anyway. When you are photocopying printables for your students, use a variety of different...
Teaching kids who learn in different ways

Teaching kids who learn in different ways

It’s time for a quick tip! One of the drawbacks of the education system in North America is that it is not personalized. Teachers will have a class of, say, 30 students, each with his or her own personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. Some students will learn...
Keeping a reading log

Keeping a reading log

Reading is learning. Once you know how to read, the doors swing open to a world full of knowledge, understanding, and entertainment. That’s why it is important to get children reading and improving upon their reading comprehension skills throughout their...