Trois fleursHere’s a free download of four pages of French numbers copywork. Have your students copy down the French numbers for one to ten (plus zero) on the activity pages included here.

French numbers

The numbers in French from one to ten are:

  • One: Un
  • Two: Deux
  • Three: Trois
  • Four: Quatre
  • Five: Cinq
  • Six: Six
  • Seven: Sept
  • Eight: Huit
  • Nine: Neuf
  • Ten: Dix

And the number zero is: Zéro.

Using copywork pages

When teaching a foreign language using copywork pages, it is a good idea to have your children or students repeat the words they are copying while they are completing the activity pages. Reciting the numbers in their heads is fine, but for best results students should speak (or whisper) the words aloud. This may not be possible in a classroom setting, but is possible to do while studying at home after school or in a homeschooling environment.