Brian writes: Autumn is my favorite season. I like the slight chill in the air – though maybe not too much of a chill – and I love to go on walks in the forest to see the fall leaves changing color. I grew up in Ontario, Canada, where the fall colors are absolutely beautiful in the months of September and October… just before the snow starts falling in earnest! The colors where we are living here in northern France are also quite beautiful, but it’s hard to top the colors in Canada and the northeastern United States.
To bring a touch of autumn to the classroom, here are a series of math puzzle packets for first, second and third grade. These are a downloadable PDF files containing a number of different puzzles that correspond to individual Common Core state standards for mathematics, currently available at the Mixminder Teachers Pay Teachers store and Mixminder Teachers Notebook store. These math puzzles can be completed as an in-class assignment, at a work station, or as a homework assignment for your class.
The math puzzles in this packet include the following activities:
- Math Stories: Combining reading and mathematics, students must solve math problems in order to find out how the story goes
- Bubble Math: Answer math problems to find pictures hidden in the bubbles
- Picture Math: Draw a picture using equal parts imagination and mathematics
- Math Grid Puzzles: Find items on a two-dimensional grid according to the answers to a series of math problems
- Math Number Search: Solve some addition and subtraction problems, then search for the answers in a grid full of numbers.

First Grade
Common Core standards: 1.OA.6, 1.NBT.3, 1.NBT.6.

Second Grade
Common Core standards: 2.OA.2, 2.NBT.4, 2.NBT.5, 2.NBT.6.

Third Grade
Common Core standards: 3.OA.7, 3.NBT.2, 3.NF.3.
The goal of these math puzzles is to bring fun to mathematics learning… these puzzles are designed to test the math skills of your students in a fun and engaging way. If you do purchase these puzzle packets, I hope that your students have a great time completing them!