It’s so important for students to be interested in what they are learning in school. It’s not always easy and of course everyone has their favorite subjects. I remember when I was little, I loved math, but I wasn’t so into Language Arts class. It wasn’t my teacher’s fault, the materials were just boring. So, my number one purpose is to making learning fun. I love to really get into my curriculum and think what would make a student enjoy learning this skill? What would make it enjoyable for a teacher to teach this skill? Interactive notebooks are a great way to achieve these goals. There are many interactive notebooks out there today, so how can you tell which is the best?
Make sure the interactive notebook is truly interactive. Some notebooks are just filled with activities that are really just a worksheet in disguise. So, make sure to look for ones that have the students interactive with the printables and can be used in the future to review.
Here are a few examples of some fun interactive reading notebook pages.
Make sure the interactive Notebook that is unique. Since there are so many interactive notebooks out there today, lots of people buy the same graphics and the activities are the same. I love to draw my own and make every page unique!
Make sure the interactive notebook is teaching what you need it to teach. If you are teaching reading, or math or writing, make sure all of the concepts that you need to cover are included. For reading, I love to include passages to make the whole teaching process easier for teachers and for students.
Check out my Interactive Reading Notebooks here: Interactive Reading Notebooks 1st through 6th grades